Topic: Armouries
Watford Armoury (Drill Hall)
Village of Watford, Lambton County, Ontario
The data tabled below comes from forms maintained by the District Engineers of Military District No. 1 (which covered southwestern Ontario) on the Armouries and facilities in their district. The data on the transcribed forms was recorded in the 1940s and reflects the state and use of the buildings in that era. Some of the Armouries in use at that time continue to be the homes of local Reserve Firce units, some have been repurposed, and others are long gone, the sites now home to other buildings. The area controlled by Militay District No. 1 in the 1940s is now in the area of responsibility of 31 Canadian Brigade Group.

The Watford Armoury is now occuied by the Watford Fire Department.

Cornerstone laid by Colonel Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia and Defence, on 30 July 1913.

This small plaque is inset in the Watford Drill Hall cornerstone.

Watford Drill Hall - The location of the Drill Hall in town.

Watford Drill Hall - Basement.

Watford Drill Hall - Ground Floor.

Watford Drill Hall - First Floor.
Name | Watford Armoury | |
City | Village of Watford | |
County | Lambton | |
Province | Ontario | |
Military District | M.D. No. 1 | |
Electoral District | Lambton Kent | |
H.Q. File | L. 13-22-7 | |
Date | 31 March 1944 | |
1. | Building Ownership. | Department of National Defence |
2. | If purchased, date, conditions, cost, etc., and value. | |
3. | If constructed, date and cost and what Department and value. | Built in 1913, at a cost of $13,712. Present value $15,000. |
4. | Description:— | |
(a) | Drainage, sewer and water connection. To be shown on site plan. | Sewer and water to street connections. |
(b) | Foundation. | Concrete. |
(c) | Walls. | White brick. |
(d) | Roof framing. | Wood truss framed. |
(e) | Roof covering (Type and date). | Composition shingles. |
(f) | Floor, main hall. | Maple. |
(g) | Other floors. | Maple. |
(h) | Partitions. | Wood studding, matched lumber and plaster. |
(i) | Balconies. | 4' balcony along south end. |
5. | Miniature rifle range—Description. | In basement (two targets) 20 yards. |
6. | Bowling alleys, badminton courts, indoor baseball or other facilities for games. | Nil. |
7. | Heating system— | |
(a) | General Description. | Hot air furnaces for offices and lecture room. Two stoves in Drill Hall. |
(b) | Make and size heating apprs. | #24 S Good Cheer; 2 x #6 E. Spencer Stoves. |
(c) | Fuel per annum. | 16 tons. |
(d) | Engineer and fireman specially employed. | No. |
8. | Lighting system—General description. | Electric open wiring. |
9. | Fire protection. Show position of standpipes in building, on site or on street plan. | No standpipes in building. Hydrant on street. |
10. | Caretakers— | |
(a) | Military or Civilian. | Civilian |
(b) | Quartered in Armoury. | No. |
(c) | Does he tend heating apprs. | Yes. |
11. | Units in occupation. | "F" Troop, 26th Light A.A. |
12. | General condition (Adequate space or not). | Adequate |
Clothing, Equipment, fixtures (adequate or not). | Adequate | |
13. | Any special remarks not included above. | |
14. | Site— | |
(a) | Ownership. | Department of National Defence |
(b) | How acquired, date, cost and present value. | Purchased in 1913 at a cost of $900. Present value $1,000. |
(c) | Who holds deed. | District Enginering Officer, M.D. No. 1, London, Ontario |
(d) | Size and area. | 132' x 132' |
(e) | Name of street and number of lot. | Ontario Street lots 88-89. |
(f) | Fences, walks, and roadways on site. | Fence East side and South side. Lane to rear of building, along South side. Walk to main entrance. |
(g) | Surface—whether grass and whether kept in condition, and by whom. | Grass by caretaker. |
(h) | Is any part of site used for other than military purpose. Give details. | No. |
(i) | Are there any other structures on site. If so give details. | No. |
(j) | State nature of surface of roads, also sidewalks on adjoining street. | Paved roads, concrete walks. |
(k) | Any remarks on site not included above. | |
15. | Remarks. |