The First World War
War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.

JULY 1917


S.A. 653.

Companies and Detachments.

Reference to Appendix R.C.R. order no. 23.

Starting point will be SOUCHEZ Corner (Junction ARRAS-BETHUNE Road and CAREHOY Road). Time of starting will be 9.15 a.m. the 25th instant.

Battalion will march in order as follows:-

Scouts, Signals, Runners, "A" and "B" Companies, Band and Drums, "C" and "D" Companies and Transport.

Battalion will halt between ??????? WOOD and VILLERS AU BOIS for lunch about 10.45 a.m.

"A" and "B" Companies will notify this office the time they expect to be ???.

E.C. Snider,
Adjutant The Royal Canadian Regiment.



Companies and Detachments.

Following are some notes re move and subsequent training:-

I.     Runners red badges are to be worn on one side only.

II.     On the day previous to moving out there will be no parades. The entire day will be spent in cleaning up. Particular attention will be paid to cleaning of Cap Badges, chin straps on cap, Bayonet and scabbard, etc.

Officers will attend these cleaning up parades and the Commanding Officer desires that Company Commanders will do everything in their power to turn out their commands as clean and as efficient as possible.

III.     Ammunition as laid down (i.e., 120 rounds) must be carried on the man, this must be absolutely clean and serviceable. Water bottles full.

IV.     All ranks must be in possession of two identity discs, 2 gas helmets, (1 box respirator and 1 P.H. helmet), 1 Field Dressing, 1 Iron ration.

Indents for deficiencies should be made at once.

V.     The Corps Commander will probably inspect the Regiment whilst out at rest and it behoves all to attain the highest state of perfection, and leave no stone unturned to do this.

VI.     Particular attention must be paid to March Discipline. Batmen and others must march with their Companies and not march independently. Companies must keep to the right of the road. There should be no necessity to give words of command such as "Keep to the right." The position of the left hand man is on the absolute right of the road, and not more than half the road shall be taken up by the Unit marching.

March Discipline is of the highest importance and it can never be underestimated. Units are often criticized whilst on the march and judged accordingly.


E.C. Snider,
Adjutant The Royal Canadian Regiment.