
Gale & Polden Limited
Price Fourpence net (per post 5d.)



1.     The discipline and good conduct of a company depend upon the zeal, ability and integrity of the Company Sergeant-Major and his tact in dealing with young non-commissioned officers and men. He should particularly interest himself in young soldiers, and remember that kind words and good advice will, as a rule, have a more beneficial effect than punishment. It is time for discipline when the soldier knowingly and willfully commits himself, and should he see young soldiers associating with men of indifferent character he should warn them against doing so.

2.     He will assist in training the junior non-commissioned officers in their duties, particularly Lance-Corporals on first appointment. He will supervise Platoon Sergeants and Section Leaders; but will remember that they must command, and are responsible for the efficiency and good order of their platoons and sections.

3.     He will see that the non-commissioned officers of the Company know their work, instructing them when necessary, and will strictly supervise the performance of their Company duties.

4.     He is responsible to the Officer Commanding the Company for the accurate preparation of all Company returns connected with discipline, weapon training, drill, and training, and that they are rendered punctually at the time appointed. He will keep a list of documents showing date required, and to whom rendered. He will keep a nominal roll of every man in his Company, showing in detail any in formation which is likely to be required in connection with returns rendered.

5.     He will inspect all men proceeding on furlough, and carefully explain the instructions on the furlough form.

6.     He will see that charges are properly completed and entered on the Minor Offence Report before being sent to the Company Orderly Room.

7.     He will initial all passes before being sent for signature to the Officer Commanding the Company.

8.     He will invariably be present at Company and Battalion Office hour. He will see that permanent passes are collected from men who from any cause become not entitled to them, and return them to the Orderly Room to be struck off the list.

9.     He will keep the duty roster of non- commissioned officers for Company duties and will witness the handing and taking over of the duties of Orderly Sergeant and Orderly Corporal. He will frequently examine the Company duty roster and see that duties performed are correctly posted up.

10.     He is responsible for the cleanliness of barrack rooms and passages. He will frequently visit the Company rooms between "First Post" and " Last Post," to see that rolls are called and everything regular. On pay nights he will see that all non-commissioned officers of the Company off duty are present with the Company from "First Post" until "Lights Out," and on other nights that a non-commissioned officer not below the rank of Corporal is present with the Company. If all is quiet in the Company at "Lights Out" non-commissioned officers may be dismissed.

11.     He will see that Company and Battalion orders are published to the men, including those employed, and that all duties for the following day are properly detailed.

12.     He will at all times check the use of indecent or blasphemous language.

13.     Non-commissioned officers and men will address him in the same manner as they do an officer, but will not salute him.

14.     He should never hesitate to bring to notice anything which he considers prejudicial or beneficial to the interests of the Company.


1.     He is responsible to the Officer Commanding his Company for the accurate preparation of all Company returns, requisitions, and documents other than those rendered by the Company Sergeant- Major, and that they are rendered punctually at the time appointed. He will keep a list of documents showing date required, and to whom rendered. He will keep a nominal roll of every man in his Company, showing in detail all information which is likely to be required.

2.     He will keep separate lists of all public, Battalion and Company property in possession of the Company, showing distribution and date of each article, and will bring to notice any that are unserviceable, or that have been the prescribed period in wear.

3.     He will personally receive and give over all arms, equipment, clothing, necessaries, accommodation, etc., for the Company, carefully noting all damages and deficiencies. He will see that every article is properly marked previous to issue. He will attend all barrack inspections and make an immediate report of any damage .in rooms in his charge. In such cases as might result in accident, injury to health, or loss of property, if not attended to with promptitude, a daily report will be sent in until the damage is rectified.

4.     He will obtain the signature of non- commissioned officers in charge of rooms for the bedding in each room, and will witness the transfer in all cases where a change in the non-commissioned officer in charge takes place. The signature of every non-commissioned officer and man will be obtained for the bedding in his possession. The bedding in Company store will be verified frequently.

5.     He will take .all inventories of effects of men reported absent or admitted to hospital, awarded detention, or otherwise non-effective, and will see that the effects are returned to Company store. Prior to Court of Inquiry on a deserter he will obtain from the Quartermaster the official names and prices of all articles deficient.

6.     He will keep a book for each Battalion tradesman, and articles are not to be taken to the shops for repair unless accompanied by the book. The trades- man will initial the receipt, enter the charge for repair, and return the book. The amount entered in the book should agree with the charges at the end of the pay period.

7.     Requisitions for writing paper, etc., for men in hospital which are duly counter-signed by the Medical Officer, are to be complied with as soon as possible.

8.     He will not do guards, nor perform the duties of Company Orderly Sergeant unless specially ordered. He is excused Battalion parades on the last day of each period of the pay list except those parades ordered as strong as possible.

9.     He will see that each barrack room occupied by the Company has a door card of Battalion pattern. Cards will also be furnished for the quarters of married non- commissioned officers and men.

10.     When any man is transferred to another company or unit, his document will be rendered to the Orderly Room on the day of transfer.

11.     He will keep the Pay and Mess Roll and otherwise carry out the duties of Company Accountant.

12.     He is responsible for the cleanliness of cookhouses, latrines, etc., in pos- session, or vicinity, of his Company. He will use every endeavour to reduce bar- rack damages to a minimum, and will see that all charges are paid for by the individuals responsible.

13.     He will attend at the changing of all barrack utensils, sheets, etc., and note all damages chargeable to the Company.

Note.-- Any point which may arise regarding the duties of Company Sergeant-Majors and Company Quartermaster-Sergeants not covered by the above orders will invariably be submitted for the decision of the Commanding Officer.