24.     When a prisoner is confined his crime will be given in writing to the commander of the guard.

25.     Commanders of guards will report by 7 a.m. daily the prisoners in their charge to the corps concerned, who will send an escort for them, a receipt being given for prisoners handed over.

26.     When necessary to remove a prisoner handcuffed through the streets, a closed conveyance will be requisitioned from the officer in charge of transport for the purpose.

27.     When a soldier is brought before the civil power, an officer from his corps will attend the police court to watch the case and submit a report through the C.O. to head­quarters of the offence and punishment awarded.


28.     The details, duties, &c., connected with the G.M.P. are under the direct control of the garrison sergeant-major.

29.     The G.M.P. will consist of 1 sergeant, 3 corporals and 13 men. An extra man will be employed as cook.

30.     N.C.O.'s will not be arrested except for serious offences, such as desertion, drunkenness, rioting or insubordinate conduct. Under ordinary circumstances their names will be taken and a report made to the C.O.

31.     The G.M.P. will use their discretion on entering any entering civil house with the object of arresting soldiers or quelling any disturbance. If it is necessary to enter any house against the wish of a landlord, the civil police will be informed.

32.     Sailors and marines will not be interfered with.

33.     When a man is confined in the garrison, a copy of his crime will be rendered at once to the commander of the guard where the man is confined and a copy to the provost sergeant at R.A. Park at the earliest opportunity.

34.     In cases where the written evidence of the military police is deemed insufflcient, application for their attendance will be made to the D.A.A.G. Passes of men can be demanded and examined after tattoo, but this should only be done when there is apparent cause.

[No paragraph 35 in original.]

36.     Irregularities referring to dress and carrying bundles in the streets should be brought to notice.

37.     All ranks will support the garrison military police in the discharge of their duties, and will assist in securing and escorting prisoners whenever applied to.

38.     In cases of military funerals a party, consisting of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men G.M.P., will be detailed for duty at the military cemetary.


39.     N.C.O.'s and men in garrison employ will not be relieved without reference to the D.A.A.G. Duration of garrison employ will, as a rule, not exceed 12 months; applications for relief will be submitted to the D.A.A.G. 10 days previous to the expiration of such employment.

40.     When N.C.O.'s and men are required for company training, musketry or regimental parades, three days' notice will be given, and the names and numbers of N.C.O.s and men detailed for relief submitted to the D.A.A.G.

41.     When a parade is countermanded all N.C.O.'s and men will return to their duties without delay.


42.     The forenoon will be usually devoted to professional instruction, and fatigues carried out in afternoon.

43.     Requisitions for weekly working and fatigue parties for the following week will reach the D.A.A.G. by 10 a.m. on Fridays.

44.     Requisitions for all other working or fatigue parties will reach the D.A.A.G. 48 hours before the time they are required. If a fatigue or working party is urgently required, the officer requiring such party will apply by telephone to the O.C. infantry battalion (except when shell or other explosives are to be dealt with, in which case application will be made to the O.C., R.C.G.A.). A covering requisition will be furnished subsequently.

45.     Men employed on working parties will not be changed during the period for which they are detailed without reference to the D.A.A.G.

46.     The name and description of the particular work for which the parties are detailed, the name of the officer de­manding the service, and the place to which the party is to proceed, will be given to the N.C.O.'s in charge before leaving barracks.

47.     Whenever employed men or working or fatigue parties are unable to attend as ordered, a report will be sent by the corps direct to the officer in charge of the service for which the party is provided and a report made to the D.A.A.G. The working period for which the men were detailed, the time during which they will not be available, and the cause of non-attendance, will be stated.

48.     Defaulters should be employed on fatigues whenever practicable.

49.     The O.C. corps wi1l, in accordance with the city ordinance, cause the gutters and sidewalks fronting Militia Department property to be kept clear of snow. Extracts from this ordinance will be found in Appendix V.

50.     N.C.O.'s in charge of snow fatigue parties will ensure that the city fire hydrants adjoining M.D. property are kept clear of snow.

51.     The sidewalks, gutters and approaches to barracks will be kept clear of snow by the troops occupying them.