1. Neither the Band collectively, nor its members individually, are permitted to accept private engagements without the sanction of the Commanding Officer.
2. On every occasion on which the band is to play outside of barracks it will be marched from and to the barracks as a unit.
3. An Officer will be detailed as Band President who will have general charge of the band and of the band fund. He will advise the Commanding Officer on all matters connected with the band and will obtain the Commanding Officer’s sanction for the purchase of any new instruments and for any other large or unusual expenditures.
4. The Band-Sergeant will keep an inventory of all the instruments in possession of the Band, on which will be noted, in the case of each instrument, the musician to whom it is on charge, the date of its receipt and the condition at last inspection. He will keep a list of all music in possession of the Band, both sheet-music and cards. He will inspect the cards weekly and will be responsible for the replacement of those defaced or lost.
5. Each bandsman is responsible for the instrument or instruments in his charge, and will be required to make good any damage due to carelessness or neglect.
6. The Band President will inspect all instruments quarterly and will, at the same time check their completeness and condition by the Band-Sergeant’s inventory.
7. When the Band plays at Mess or in public, no one but the senior regimental officer present will give any orders to the bandmaster or to the Band.
8. No instrument will at any time be removed from the band room, except for duty, without the permission of the Band President.